Window Maintenance & Repair
Window glass, hinges and seals can fail over time due to weathering and general use. Failed glass, hinges or seals can result in drafts and water penetration.
Dorking Glazing Services offer window maintenance and repair service. These maintenance and repair services are offered for UPVC windows, aluminium windows and timber frame windows.
Timber framed windows may require sash chords to be replaced as these can wear or snap over time. These old sash chords can be removed and replaced with new fittings.
Original Leaded Lights Windows give character to a property but can experience water penetration or become bowed or broken over time. Imitation lead lights can be manufactured using a single pane of glass with decorative lead applied to both sides. These replacements windows panels can be made to match an existing pattern and, with modern glass, they offer a more secure option to traditional leaded lights.
Unlike UPVC or aluminium, timber framed windows and sills require maintenance with the application of fresh paint or wood stains. This is a service that we also provide.
Changing a Sash Chord
PVC Unit with new Hinge
A Selection of Replacement Handles